Here it is...
Languages, my journey audio.
This three minute audio clip is designed as a quick journey through my childhood starting out from my birth and running up until I was about 15. There are two different components in this piece that work together to recreate the first 15 years of my life.
One of these components is the on going narrative of my life that I have bouncing around between the background and the foreground of my piece. This narrative quickly summarizes some of the most important and memorable experiences of my life; the birth of my brother, moving from country to country, helping name my sister, and similar occurrences.
The narrative aspect of this piece consists of two different levels; that of the basic matter of fact narrative that just gives us an overview of my childhood, plain, simple, and straight to the point and an overlapping of comments and details that a reflective of the basic narrative.
The narrative was also done in Spanish, the language that dominated most of my childhood, with an underlying of English that for the most is covered up by the Spanish. Much like how English was always in the background of my childhood, but never a really prevalent thing.
The other component of this recounting of my childhood is the layering of various noises that remind me of specific moments or periods of my childhood. Each of this sounds triggers a memory or an experience that has a more of an emotional tie to my childhood then the matter of face and basic principles highlighted in the narrative. These sounds consist of air planes flying overhead, gun shots, an open air market, and the rain forest.
Sounds Accridited:
Freesounds ProjectRain By sazman (
061224-chongnangnyi-market1(edit).wav (
Plane By FreqMan (
weirdplane.wav (
Gun Shots By WIM (
gunshots.wav (
Birds By genghis attenborough (
Boat trip edt.wav (
Market By jenaber27 (
interlochen-06_thunder1.aiff (